Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baby Shower, take three 10^10^10

I decided I wanted to celebrate baby Bright with my ladies from OKC so Tonya and Anna threw me another baby shower on 10/10/10 at Tonya's house in Norman. Anna was so excited as her and Tonya were planning the details so I knew it was going to be a wonderful afternoon. My mom and Nana came down Sunday morning to take me to Norman. I am so glad they were there with me. We got to Tonya's around 1:45 and the house looked great. They had cute decorations and the spread looked delicious. I was so excited for people to start showing up. Unfortunately not many people could make it but Julie, Tammy, Stacie and Autumn were there and it was so fun to spend a few hours with them. As they arrived, Tonya had them fill out advice cards and also gave me a scrapbook to put the cards in. It was a really sweet gift. We all went to the patio to eat and chat until it started sprinkling so back inside we went to play a couple of games. We started with the ribbon game which proved to be just as funny as it was at my Saturday baby shower. Most everyone guessed way too big! Julie had a competitive advantage for sure since she is due with her second little boy on 11/'s so fun we have the same baby she measured herself. She ended up being the closest and it was interesting to me to see how much bigger she was even though she is only a week ahead of me. I'm so excited for her and her family. After the ribbon game, we played a nursery rhyme do we all need to study our nursery rhymes before baby Bright gets here! Even though I didn't do very well, it was fun thinking about all the books baby Bright and I will be reading together! After the games, I got to open presents. I received some really great stuff and feel like I'm one step closer to being ready for baby.

Thank you so much to Tonya and Anna for putting together this very special day for Baby Bright and me. I know you put in a lot of work, time and thought to the day, I'm just sad more people weren't able to come and enjoy it. I had a wonderful time and couldn’t have asked for more. You two are so sweet and I know you both will be the best Auntie's to Baby Bright.

My sweet hostesses
Cute decorations
Floral arrangement with special suprises inside
Diaper cake with a rubber ducky topper
The spread of absoluelty delicious food
Buggy cake to match the inivation
Dining on the beauitful patio
I really do have some wonderful women in my life
I am so fortunate
Autmn and sweet girls from work
Julie and me with our baby bumps boss from Aduddell
Ma and GranNana

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