Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Jackson was a cow for Halloween. Could you expect anything less from me??! I had posed the question on Facebook to see what others thought he should dress up as and got a few really good ideas. My top two were a cow and a sock monkey. My friend Julie in Arizona has a sweet little girl about 10 months older than Jackson who had been a cow for her first Halloween. Come to find out, Julie has the same obsession for cows as I do! Glad I'm not the only one. ;) So she offered to mail us her costume. How sweet! I couldn't believe how cute the costume was when it came. I tried it on AJ immediately. It was perfect!! He was the most adorable cow I'd ever seen.
So Halloween night, we ran across the street to Auntie Na and Uncle Ro's so AJ could do his first trick-or-treating. It was so cute. He loved digging his hand in for candy. We snapped a few shots and went back home to pass out our goodies.
Jackson loved being on the porch waiting for the little (and big) kids to come to the door. Everyone thought it was so cute. Once the traffic slowed down, we stayed inside and he started hiding his candy in his secret drawer. At one point, we noticed he had some red drool...he had broken into some M&M's!! So there was his first taste of candy! Sneaky little guy!
We had such a fun Halloween with our little moo cow. I wonder what he'll be next year. Winnie the Pooh mom still has Uncle Miguel's costume. What fun!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Haunt the Zoo

We joined the Gollahalli family and Papa at the Oklahoma City Zoo for their annual Haunt the Zoo festivities during Halloween. They were dressed to the nines as the characters from Wizard of Oz and looked fantastic. Jackson got to show off his cow costume and get some candy from the zoo workers who were all dressed up. He held Sandhya's hand the whole time we were in line. It was really sweet. It was hectic at first but eventually people spread out a little. AJ had a pretty good time and stayed in his stroller for most of the evening. He sure wasn't a fan of taking a picture with Old Mother Hubbard though!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Year Pictures

Tonya informed me about a mini photo session My Creative Services was doing at Hey Day in Norman. That night Tonya & Anil were taking Chris & Michael to the OU/Tech game and my mom and I were baby sitting the girls & Jackson so we went down early to get Jackson's pictures taken. It's close enough to his birthday so I've decided these are perfect for his 1 year pictures. I just love them. They are absolutely adorable, of course! Enjoy!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We visited the Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch with Auntie Na and Uncle Ro today. The weather was unseasonable warm but that's better than being cold! Since Chris and I had been to Chester's Party Barn & Farm a few years before I was looking for something different. I really wanted an actual patch to walk through and unfortunately we didn't get that here. Next year, we'll have to make the drive to the real patch in Norman but we still had fun walking around the farm. Jackson got to see some animals and even ride his first pony. He was feeling a little under the weather and wasn't too keen on riding with me beside him so the guy told me to hop on! So there I was, riding my first pony (at least as an adult). I found it to be quite hilarious. Not sure if AJ felt the same way though. Oh well, it was one for the record books.
After the pony ride we got in line for the hay ride. Not only was this Jackson's first hay ride, it was Uncle Ro's as well! I was pretty excited for both of them. We got prime seats since we were first in line and we got to hunt for pumpkins along the ride. It was fun seeing the older kids having such a good time. Jackson wasn't too interested that he was on a flatbed filled with hay being pulled by a tractor but there's always next year!
After the hay ride we headed to the front to pick out our pumpkins. Jackson enjoyed holding his big pumpkin on the way to the car. We got a couple of cute little guys too.
On the way home, we made a quick pit stop at Pops to get some yummy soda. It was a really fun day and I'm glad Auntie Na and Uncle Ro could come along.