Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nursery Rhymes

We’ve had our furniture for almost a month now. I still can’t believe it came in so fast. We finally had a weekend free so we started the transformation. Since we are losing one of our guest rooms, we moved the queen mattress to the other room. That room is really small!! There’s even less floor space than before. Oh well, guest rooms are for sleeping anyway. Plus I wasn’t excited about losing a queen bed and only having a full size guest room. I know what it’s like to go from sleeping in a king to a full…not fun! So now the “new and improved” guest room is put together although we need to change the décor a bit…surprise surprise Chris isn’t a fan of what’s in there. On to the baby’s room! The dresser, hutch and nightstands were already put together so those pieces have been in there since we got the furniture. All we had to do was put the crib together. It went fairly well. Chris popped me in the eye on accident at one point but no pain no gain! It took about an hour from start to finish and I absolutely love it. I finally got to put on my bedding that’s been sitting in the closet for 7 months! It’s so cute. Unfortunately I had to lower the mattress to the second level for the bumper to fit which might prove difficult when trying to lay down a sleeping baby without throwing them in so we’ll see how that goes! That bumper might be the end of me! I need someone that can tie bows well to make it nice and pretty but it fits. The ties are in weird spots for where the rails are on the bed but it’ll be fine. We won’t have the bumper in there forever. So now I just have to make a bed skirt…I still find it crazy that they didn’t make a bed skirt to go with this bedding and I have to have one. You can see the metal frame that holds up the mattress support and I can’t handle that! So my mom is going to come down and help me. I think we’ll take the quilt to Hobster Lobster and find fabric to match. My sewing machine will finally get some use! Now I need to figure out the other décor. I need to find a chair, lamp, curtains, and things for the shelves on the hutch (what's there now will change) and something for the walls. Wow, we have a lot of work to do! We’re moving the crib to the wall on the right and putting the chair and nightstand in the left corner. The other nightstand will more than likely take a trip to the attic until we turn it into a full size bed but we’ll see.

I love the angle but we need the room for the chair on the left
Dresser/Hutch combo with chagning pad (the hutch is lighted)
Peter Rabbit Bedding finally in place!
Floor Plan
This is the chair I have my eye on
I really like the pattern but Chris isn't sold on it yet
I'm thinking about Latte but I really like the chocolate and lime too
I LOVE this idea...but doing the baby's name or initials instead?
Here's an idea of what it would look it (minus the purple in the middle)
So it’s a start and I’m so excited it’s finally put together. I’ve been waiting for this part for a long time. Now we just need a baby to fill the room with laughter and we’re set!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Last Bradley Class

Please stay posted for this blog update as I am still reflecting on our classes and our natural child birth to come.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sugar Sugar, ah Honey Honey

Today was my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  I can't believe it's already time for that.  I was really not looking forward to this part at all.  And to make matters worse, Chris found out yesterday afternoon that he wasn't going to be able to make it to the appointment so I had to go all by myself.  He hasn't missed one appointment so far so I was really missing him.  I thought I was going to need some support to down the sugary goodness.  But alas, there I was, by myself, all teary eyed in the waiting room.  I think I was nervous for the test and excited that it was the beginning of our 3rd trimester so I was pretty emotional.  The nurse called me up to the desk and handed me this tiny cup with 50 grams of clear liquid.  She said I had 3 minutes to drink it...I thought, not bad, I got this!  It seemed far better than other options I had seen...Toni was given a straw for her orange sugariness so that's more of what I was expecting.  I started drinking was it sweet, I won't lie!  It tasted like way over sweetened sprite.  It was probably more sugar than I've had my entire pregnancy!  Thank goodness it was cold and it ended up not being bad at all.  I finished at 9:10 so I was on the clock.  The nurse came to get me to start my appointment.  So far, I've only gained 12 pounds and my blood pressure was 96/58...maybe it pays to not have Chris around (j/k babe, I really did miss you).  Since Ann was with another patient, the nurse went ahead and sent me to the lab.  I enjoyed having the sheet saying I had to have my blood drawn at waiting an hour and a half like before!  The nurse that took my blood was great; I just felt a little prick.  I haven't had a bad experience yet with that so I feel fortunate.  After that, I went back upstairs to finally see Ann; it was very strange to not have Chris with me.  Ann and I chatted a little bit and then she measured me...I'm at a 26 which is right on track.  Then she tried to feel what position the baby was in.  She pushed all around my belly and it really wasn't that comfortable.  I can't imagine that a version would feel great if I needed it.  Chris probably would have fired her if he'd been there to see how hard she was pushing...he's always griping at me about poking the baby!  But still, I'm not worried and have faith that Baby Bright will turn over as nature intended.  Ann didn't seem that concerned either and said by the next appointment she should be able to tell the position.  Next I got to hear the heartbeat again.  She put the doppler on my belly and we could tell right away that baby was on the move...apparently not a fan of being pushed on!  The heartbeat is at 140 now.  It has slowed about 10 bpm every 4 weeks.  I am anxious to see what it is at the next appointment.  We also talked about what was going to happen towards the end and she said I can go to 42 weeks without talk of induction until then.  That makes me very happy!  Our next appointment is in 4 weeks, and then we start going every two weeks until 36 weeks, then every week until 41 weeks, then every other day until we deliver.  Wow!  We really don't have that far to go and once we start going every other week, I know the time will really start flying by.  I am so thankful we've made it to the third trimester.  Every day this baby stays put is a blessing.  Though I'm not worried about premature labor, you never know!  We can't wait to meet Baby Bright...only 12 more weeks!

Blog Update: I scored an 82 out of 120...woo hoo...I don't have gestational diabetes!  My kidney's rock. :O)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2nd Trimester Recap

What a ride it's been so far. I can't believe my 2nd trimester has come to an end. Sometimes I feel like I've been pregnant forever and other days, it feels like I just found out! The time is really flying though. Mondays are always the worst of course, but then all of a sudden it's the end of the week, and then the end of the month! Our next baby doctor appointment is Friday...has it really been another 4 weeks? Soon I'll be going every 2 weeks and I'm sure that will make the time fly by even faster. I am enjoying the energy I didn't have the first 15 weeks. I certainly didn't start my 2nd trimester feeling wonderful. Although I didn't have traditional morning sickness, I wasn't feeling great by any means. And it day, I just felt myself again...thank goodness!

Our 2nd trimester was filled with all sorts of fun things. I started feeling little flutters around 16 weeks and both Chris and I got to feel the kicks at 18 weeks; far earlier than I expected. The kicking has surely progressed the last 8 weeks. I don't know what in the world is going on in there! Sometimes it seems like BB thinks they are breaking out! At least we know BB is growing...although anyone can tell that from the size of my belly! I love that I have taken a belly picture each week. It's funny to compare my 12 week picture (the end of my 1st trimester) to my 26 week picture (the end of my 2nd trimester). Whoa! Not that it's that surprising, but when you are with your belly every day, sometimes it’s hard to realize just how much you've grown.  Look at that teeney little bump!!

We also registered and bought our nursery furniture.  I am so excited to get the nursery put together.  It will be so fun to spend my 3rd trimester nesting and really getting ready for the baby.  I am looking forward to my showers and bringing home BB's presents.  This baby is going to be so spoiled from day one!  Our house will slowly start to look like a baby is on the way...finally.

I have so much to look forward to in the 3rd trimester.  We are going to do a 3D/4D ultrasound soon; I don't want to get too big but I want BB to be old enough that features are better defined.  I can't wait to see our sweet baby's face.  I'm still crossing my fingers for the Bright nose! :) By September, we will have the nursery completely assembled and my infamous Peter Rabbit bedding in place.  It's going to be so cute, I can't stand it.  Can you believe I bought it when I was 7 weeks pregnant!  This will also be BB's "first" football season; Boomer Sooner will be a very recognized song by the time BB is born! I can't wait to find out which game will be the first official game for the world's smallest Sooner.  October brings my showers and I couldn't be more excited.  Amber and Aunt Janice are throwing me a Tulsa shower on 10/9/10 and Tonya and Anna are throwing me a Norman shower on 10/10/10.  Lucky me, since I'm such a numbers person didn't you know, that I am able to have these was meant to be.  I can't wait to see what they have in store, I know both will be wonderful and I thank you all in advance for being so sweet to throw me baby showers.  This also means that I get to see a wonderful friend who's flying in from Phoenix just for to attend my showers.  Jeri, I cannot wait to see you and you have no idea how much it means to me that you are coming.  You are so sweet and I can't thank you enough.

So here's to a wonderful 2nd trimester and an even better 3rd!  Thank you all for your sweet comments the last 6 months.  It has been so fun to share this experience with everyone we hold dear.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

100 days and counting!

100 days to go...really!!  I've been waiting for this day for a long time now.  There is something about getting to a double digit countdown that makes a difference in the time we have left until we meet Baby Bright.  I really can't wait.

This was quite the baby day.  I seem to have days like that.  It's kind of like planning a wedding.  There were days that nothing was going on and then there were days when all sorts of things were happening.  We had our Bradley class at 6:15 and when the class was over, I noticed I had a was Carol with USA Baby.  Our furniture had come in!  We ordered it July 24th and it came in August less than two weeks and on our 100 day countdown day no less!  What are the chances.  I couldn't believe it.

Also on this historic countdown day I received a letter in the mail from Toni along with some photos of Dylan, my newest nephew!  It made my day even sweeter.  The letter speaks for itself (click on the letter to make it larger).  <3  Toni, thank you so much for this letter.  It made me smile and get all teary eyed.  I can't wait for baby dates.  It's truly amazing this journey we are now on and I am so glad as well that we get to do it together.  Think of all the fun we will have over the next 50 years!  We get to do the most amazing thing in the whole world...raise a family.  What an opportunity; may we always know just how blessed we are.  I love you dearly.

 What a fantastic day all around!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Baby's first toy!

I received a coupon from Babies'R'Us for 20% off one could I pass that up!  I wanted to buy something fun that had to be put together and was kind of pricey.  I see no point in saving $6 on a $30 purhcase when there are far more expensive items I can choose from.  So off to the store we went.  We looked and looked and looked.  How could we possibly not find anything to buy!  Our original thought was to buy a second carrier and base for Chris' truck but Anil suggested we buy the second base and wait to see if we actually need the second carrier.  I'd much prefer to buy the second carrier with the base than spend the money on the base and need the carrier in the future.  I suppose I could always leave the third base in my mom's car so it'll work out whatever happens.  So our options were a high chair, bouncer, swing or activity gym/exersaucer.  I really thought we'd end up with a high chair but as we played around with what they had in stock, we were less than impressed.  So no on that.  BRU doesn't have the bouncer we regeistered for (that's at Target) and I really didn't like any in stock, so agian, no on that!  They also didn't have the swing we registered for which is fine because I'm not sure if I want the one I picked out anyway.  Like I said, how could we not find something, anything, to spend money on!!  We finally settled on the Evenflo ExerSaucer.  Although I think it's a pretty good item to leave on the registry, it was the best option for us to save 20% on.  We also had a little bit left on a BRU gift card plus I found a Simon gift card in my wallet, so all in all, we paid about $28!  Plus we got two more, 'save 20% coupons' at the register.  Yay!

We went to Sandhya's birthday dinner so we didn't get home until 10:30 and the ExerSaucer was the first thing on my mind when we got home.  I was so excited to put it together.  There were almost 50 parts I think!

The first stage, which is 0-3 months waw super easy to put together. It's so cute. I can just imagine Baby Bright laying on the mat staring up at the toy bar, kicking its little legs in excitement.

The second stage was a bit harder to assemble though not terrible.  There were 4 legs, so I did 2 and Chris did was a team effort.  Even Tigger wanted to help!

When it was all done, I was so proud!  I know, nerd!  It was so fun to put together our first toy for the baby.  Now we have something in the house that makes it look like we're having a baby.

Once baby is walking, we can turn it into an activity table so we should have this toy for quite some time.

It has 11 age-appropriate toys and fun music to help baby achieve 10 developmental milestones such as fine motor skills, object exploration, tactile development and more.  I can't wait to see BB in action!