Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2nd Trimester Recap

What a ride it's been so far. I can't believe my 2nd trimester has come to an end. Sometimes I feel like I've been pregnant forever and other days, it feels like I just found out! The time is really flying though. Mondays are always the worst of course, but then all of a sudden it's the end of the week, and then the end of the month! Our next baby doctor appointment is Friday...has it really been another 4 weeks? Soon I'll be going every 2 weeks and I'm sure that will make the time fly by even faster. I am enjoying the energy I didn't have the first 15 weeks. I certainly didn't start my 2nd trimester feeling wonderful. Although I didn't have traditional morning sickness, I wasn't feeling great by any means. And it day, I just felt myself again...thank goodness!

Our 2nd trimester was filled with all sorts of fun things. I started feeling little flutters around 16 weeks and both Chris and I got to feel the kicks at 18 weeks; far earlier than I expected. The kicking has surely progressed the last 8 weeks. I don't know what in the world is going on in there! Sometimes it seems like BB thinks they are breaking out! At least we know BB is growing...although anyone can tell that from the size of my belly! I love that I have taken a belly picture each week. It's funny to compare my 12 week picture (the end of my 1st trimester) to my 26 week picture (the end of my 2nd trimester). Whoa! Not that it's that surprising, but when you are with your belly every day, sometimes it’s hard to realize just how much you've grown.  Look at that teeney little bump!!

We also registered and bought our nursery furniture.  I am so excited to get the nursery put together.  It will be so fun to spend my 3rd trimester nesting and really getting ready for the baby.  I am looking forward to my showers and bringing home BB's presents.  This baby is going to be so spoiled from day one!  Our house will slowly start to look like a baby is on the way...finally.

I have so much to look forward to in the 3rd trimester.  We are going to do a 3D/4D ultrasound soon; I don't want to get too big but I want BB to be old enough that features are better defined.  I can't wait to see our sweet baby's face.  I'm still crossing my fingers for the Bright nose! :) By September, we will have the nursery completely assembled and my infamous Peter Rabbit bedding in place.  It's going to be so cute, I can't stand it.  Can you believe I bought it when I was 7 weeks pregnant!  This will also be BB's "first" football season; Boomer Sooner will be a very recognized song by the time BB is born! I can't wait to find out which game will be the first official game for the world's smallest Sooner.  October brings my showers and I couldn't be more excited.  Amber and Aunt Janice are throwing me a Tulsa shower on 10/9/10 and Tonya and Anna are throwing me a Norman shower on 10/10/10.  Lucky me, since I'm such a numbers person didn't you know, that I am able to have these was meant to be.  I can't wait to see what they have in store, I know both will be wonderful and I thank you all in advance for being so sweet to throw me baby showers.  This also means that I get to see a wonderful friend who's flying in from Phoenix just for to attend my showers.  Jeri, I cannot wait to see you and you have no idea how much it means to me that you are coming.  You are so sweet and I can't thank you enough.

So here's to a wonderful 2nd trimester and an even better 3rd!  Thank you all for your sweet comments the last 6 months.  It has been so fun to share this experience with everyone we hold dear.

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