Friday, August 13, 2010

Sugar Sugar, ah Honey Honey

Today was my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  I can't believe it's already time for that.  I was really not looking forward to this part at all.  And to make matters worse, Chris found out yesterday afternoon that he wasn't going to be able to make it to the appointment so I had to go all by myself.  He hasn't missed one appointment so far so I was really missing him.  I thought I was going to need some support to down the sugary goodness.  But alas, there I was, by myself, all teary eyed in the waiting room.  I think I was nervous for the test and excited that it was the beginning of our 3rd trimester so I was pretty emotional.  The nurse called me up to the desk and handed me this tiny cup with 50 grams of clear liquid.  She said I had 3 minutes to drink it...I thought, not bad, I got this!  It seemed far better than other options I had seen...Toni was given a straw for her orange sugariness so that's more of what I was expecting.  I started drinking was it sweet, I won't lie!  It tasted like way over sweetened sprite.  It was probably more sugar than I've had my entire pregnancy!  Thank goodness it was cold and it ended up not being bad at all.  I finished at 9:10 so I was on the clock.  The nurse came to get me to start my appointment.  So far, I've only gained 12 pounds and my blood pressure was 96/58...maybe it pays to not have Chris around (j/k babe, I really did miss you).  Since Ann was with another patient, the nurse went ahead and sent me to the lab.  I enjoyed having the sheet saying I had to have my blood drawn at waiting an hour and a half like before!  The nurse that took my blood was great; I just felt a little prick.  I haven't had a bad experience yet with that so I feel fortunate.  After that, I went back upstairs to finally see Ann; it was very strange to not have Chris with me.  Ann and I chatted a little bit and then she measured me...I'm at a 26 which is right on track.  Then she tried to feel what position the baby was in.  She pushed all around my belly and it really wasn't that comfortable.  I can't imagine that a version would feel great if I needed it.  Chris probably would have fired her if he'd been there to see how hard she was pushing...he's always griping at me about poking the baby!  But still, I'm not worried and have faith that Baby Bright will turn over as nature intended.  Ann didn't seem that concerned either and said by the next appointment she should be able to tell the position.  Next I got to hear the heartbeat again.  She put the doppler on my belly and we could tell right away that baby was on the move...apparently not a fan of being pushed on!  The heartbeat is at 140 now.  It has slowed about 10 bpm every 4 weeks.  I am anxious to see what it is at the next appointment.  We also talked about what was going to happen towards the end and she said I can go to 42 weeks without talk of induction until then.  That makes me very happy!  Our next appointment is in 4 weeks, and then we start going every two weeks until 36 weeks, then every week until 41 weeks, then every other day until we deliver.  Wow!  We really don't have that far to go and once we start going every other week, I know the time will really start flying by.  I am so thankful we've made it to the third trimester.  Every day this baby stays put is a blessing.  Though I'm not worried about premature labor, you never know!  We can't wait to meet Baby Bright...only 12 more weeks!

Blog Update: I scored an 82 out of 120...woo hoo...I don't have gestational diabetes!  My kidney's rock. :O)

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