Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We have a soccer player!

So the last two weeks, I’ve been feeling tiny little flutters in my belly. You never know if it’s just dinner or if it’s your little miracle finally moving around. It’s kind of early to feel anything, but everyone is different. My midwife asks me at all my visits if I’ve felt the baby yet. I’ve had to say no so far, but now I can say YES!!! I will be 18 weeks tomorrow so I’m shocked I started feeling flutters at 16 weeks. So today around 4 while I was at work, I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling was tiny kicks but it was definately different than the flutters. I kind of put it off thinking nothing of it until tonight. I was sitting on the couch watch TV and bump, bump, bump!! I told Chris to come quick and he got to feel it too! Most of the time, the hubby has to wait a few more weeks to be able to feel it. I am so excited he got to feel it so early. This makes it even more real! And maybe even more unbelievable! The kicks certainly didn’t last long so I’m waiting in excited anticipation for the next round!

1 comment:

  1. I vote for the miracle! You look darling. I'm so happy for you and Chris you are going to be wonderful parents!
