Thursday, June 24, 2010


It is hard to believe that we’re halfway to meeting our little bundle of joy. But when I think about it, it’s hard to believe that we’re only halfway. 20 weeks is a really long time and to think we have another 20 weeks to go is boggling. Good thing though, we have so much to do. Now that we are well into our Bradley course, we need to work on the exercises and relaxation techniques, start working on our birth plan and get moving on the nursery. I have been searching for a crib for weeks now. I want something sturdy, made of solid wood and if possible made in the USA or Canada, or even Europe. Some that I have found are not being very clear as to where their products are manufactured. I need to get something ordered soon since some places take 8-12 weeks to deliver. I’d rather not be putting a crib together the night before I end up in the hospital! As far as design goes, I’m at a loss there as well. I think once I get the crib nailed down I will be able to start thinking about the rest. I’m really excited to get started. We will be registering mid-July so I am looking forward to that too. I have been tempted to just do it online but I really want to go to the store and tag everything with the little gun!  Here is the crib I am in love with...made in America!!!

Baby Bright has been moving around like crazy the last week or so. And I think my belly has doubled in size just in the last 3 days!! I am definitely starting to feel pregnant, but I’ll admit I’m still in shock. After trying for so long (yes yes, only 6 months, but that’s a long time in conception world) and now we’re halfway through our pregnancy. Someone pinch me…oh wait, the baby just kicked my insides, yep this is real! I always wondered what it would feel like. It’s quite amazing really. I am obsessed with feeling the baby move from the outside. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t believe what I’m feeling on the inside or what, but every time the baby wakes up and starts to squirm, I have to put my hand on my belly. It has been so fun to have other people feel it too. Anna felt it last weekend; it was so sweet! And I told Stacie she’s going to have to run to my desk if I call her so she can feel it. I hope I can convince little one to move around long enough at one time for her to make it back to my desk! My mom is staying with us tonight and I said, let me lay on the couch and I bet we can get a few kicks. Sure enough, right as I lie down I said come quick and she got a few kicks!! It was fun that she was here on the day that marks halfway and got her first kicks from her first grandbaby. I can’t wait for the rest of the family to feel baby move. It really is amazing.

So halfway is here and will be gone before I know it. I’ll be halfway to baby’s first birthday and look back and wonder where the time went. I am trying to take it day by day and really enjoy the miracle of pregnancy.


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