Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Coach

Tonight’s Bradley class was all about the coach and the various ways they can be there for their laboring wife. The first assignment was for the coach to draw a picture of a deserted island, including him and his pregnant lady. Here is what Chris drew.  Like my preggo belly?  hehe. I love our deserted island!
Then we talked about all the things on the island that he could use to assist with labor; like physical things for comfort (ie shade, water fan, etc) as well as ways he can emotionally support me. We went on to talk about the importance of public praise since in the delivery room, there will be strangers coming in and out and Chris needs to be comfortable with telling me I’m doing a good job and the like while those people are there listening and watching. I really think he will do a fantastic job of being verbally supportive. So the second assignment was for Chris to journal for 5 minutes about all the things I do well. Then they had to read it to the class. Here’s what Chris came up with. He’s so sweet!
Then we watched a real Bradley birth. It was so peaceful. Don’t get me wrong, the mom was working really hard, but she wasn’t screaming and the room wasn’t chaotic. It’s exactly what I want for our birthing experience. I know it will hurt but if we focus on relaxation, I know I can get through it without drugs and without screaming at everyone. I am so glad we are taking this course. I can already tell what a difference it will make in labor over any other method out there. It makes me even more excited for that stage of the pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. Labor Method? I call it BABY IN CHARGE! I know you & Chris will be cool customers.
