Friday, January 14, 2011

Two Months

I can’t believe Jackson is already two months old. He has grown so much and looks like a totally different baby. He was so good during the appointment and Dr. Moore was very pleased with his growth and development. He thinks Jackson is stronger than most other babies his age. He had to get his two month shots and cried just the same as before but settled down much quicker this time. Later that evening though, he completely lost it. He was just sitting on daddy’s lap talking to Nana and Papa on the phone and started to get fussy. Things escalated from there and he wouldn’t even nurse. He was burning up and sweaty so I tried to give him a wash cloth bath but that didn’t help. I felt so bad for him. I swaddled him up tight and shushed him until he fell asleep. We cuddled up in the recliner and I nursed him every time he started to wake up. I didn’t even think about giving him Tylenol. Mom fail!! The next day he was much better and probably didn’t even remember the terrible night he had. I have so much to learn about being a good mom!

Weight: 11 lbs, 11 oz (28th percentile)
Length: 22.5 inches (20th percentile)
Head: 15.25 inches (30th percentile)

Can you believe he weighed 11-11!!! :O) It was meant to be just for me!!


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