Sunday, April 10, 2011

Five Months

So much has changed once again in 30 days. It has been so fun to see Jackson's personality start to emerge. He is just the sweetest thing I've ever laid eyes on. And yes, I realize I'm quite biased but I can't help but think I have the sweetest baby there ever was. There is something about the way he smiles at you that can just melt your heart in mere seconds.

This month brought many firsts for us, be it events or milestones. On Jackson's 4 month birthday, we sat him in his high chair for the first time. He LOVED it! He must have thought it was the bees knees for sure.
We also moved him to his bedroom and he slept in his own bed for the first time on the 10th.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but I do miss having him so close. That walk to his room at 2 in the morning is rough!! I took pictures of his "old" room in our bedroom for sentimental value. I'm such a mom.

Jackson got to go to his first baseball game on March 12th. We went with the Gollahalli family and had a great time.
We also went to the Zoo for the first time on St. Patrick's day (Dylan took his first steps that morning so it was a big day for babies all around!). Jackson seemed to enjoy being with the Gollahalli girls and seeing some of the animals but mostly he slept through it all!

On March 19th, Jackson got to "see" his first super moon; ok, well, he slept through it but it still counts right! The next one will be when he's 18 years old so I think it's pretty neat.

Jackson has taken a liking to our food and drinks this month as well! He has staring contests during dinnertime and will reach for our cups if we're holding him while we take a swig. He won't be fed solids until he's 6 months old but it's nice to know he's starting to become interested.

We celebrated my birthday {4/6} as well this month and it was extra special because I know just how much a birthday means to a mom. I was so lucky to be able to spend the day with my mom and my son.  I couldn't have asked for a better present!

It has been quite a month of milestones as well. He's started to raise up on his hands during tummy time which is great.  He is getting so strong.  He has also found his feet! They go straight to his mouth now. He likes to blow raspberries but this trick only lasted a few days.  He seems to rediscover his mouth every few weeks so I'm sure that will return one of these days. Towards the end of the month, he became a very active roller and started reaching for his toys while he was on his belly. I can't imagine the things he will be doing in the next few months. I am so excited to see him continue growing into a fine young man!! 

Jackson didn't have a doctors appointment this month so we took our own meausrements!

Weight: 16 lbs, 6 oz (48th percentile)
Length: 25 inches (14th percentile)
Head: 16.5 inches (31st percentile)

Happy 5 Months Jackson!

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