Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Bright on the way!

WE ARE PREGNANT! Can you believe it? I can't. I'm 5 weeks and 5 days along...very far to go that's for sure! Our tentative due date is 11/11/10 (11:11 make a wish...so fitting for me isn't it). We have our first doctor's appointment on March 26th at 10:30. I seriously can't wait. I won't believe it until I see it for myself. Pregnancy tests just aren't doing it for me! It took us 6 months (60% or normal couples will conceive by the 6th month). So hey, we're normal, isn't that some great news. I knew it would happen, I was just getting sad waiting, and thinking there was something wrong. So now, I have the fear that something will go wrong with the pregnancy. Come on first trimester, let's get this over with. I know I will feel much better when we go for our first doctor’s visit (1 week 3 days and counting!). So far, the only pregnancy symptoms I have had are frequent peeing and hunger (oh, and my ladies are looking lovely). The hunger is very strange; I will feel a twinge of hunger, and then two seconds later, I will feel like I haven't eaten in 3 days. I need to work on drinking my 80 ounces of water...it's only 4 water bottles, but I'm not a huge fan of water (esp. in the morning), so it's hard for sure. I am waiting for the nausea to show up; supposedly it'll show up by week 6. I read something that having morning (or all day as it should be called) sickness, that the pregnancy is normal. So, come on nausea!!

I should have bought stock in these test makers! I think I've taken about 15 by now!!

So far, only a handful of people know. I feel a little bad because my mom is still in the dark. I really want to surprise her with the ultrasound picture, so she will have to forgive me for not being the first person! I was supposed to get my decimal on March 7th (also Toni's birthday and the beginning of her 3rd trimester). The Thursday before, I was sitting on the couch playing on the computer and listening to American Idol when all of a sudden, I had this strange rush come over me. I could feel my blood pumping through my entire body, from my big toe to my pinky finger! When I got home on Friday, I was exhausted and a little queasy. So I laid down for about 3 hours before we packed it up and headed to BA. The next day was Ryan and Toni's birthday party (and the 3rd anniversary of my papa's arrival in heaven). I was feeling much better than Friday but still a little off. By Sunday, and no sign of my decimal, I decided to go ahead and take a pregnancy test. It was a cheap test strip that came with my ovulation predictor kit. There was the faintest little line. We couldn't believe that this could be it! I took another on Monday morning (a First Response test) and there it was again, a faint pink line. I took yet another on Monday when I got home just to make sure I wasn't dreaming! Another faint line! I decided on Tuesday that I would just wait and not take another test. Cailin asked if I would take a test at work if she bought me one. She and Stacie decided I needed one that would say pregnant or not pregnant. So on Wednesday, I took another First Response test (I wanted to be sure I wasn't going to take one at work and have it be bad news), the line was much darker than the one I took on Monday! At 10:30, I had to go, which is unlike my normal bathroom routine, so I took the test. It said PREGNANT! I couldn't hide my huge smile as I came back in to the office. Stacie started crying and Cailin was so excited! We called Andria up to the front so she could see it. And then Brandy walked by and we ushered her in. She has been so sweet sending prayers up for Chris and me. So there's my support circle that has been my support the last 6 months. They have been so sweet listening to me every month, getting excited after the two week wait and doling out hugs and comfort when the answer was no. Thanks ladies.

Robert and Anna pretty much already knew since I wasn't returning texts to Anna when she asked if I started or not. They came over Friday night and I said, hey guys, I have a cool picture I want to show you on the computer! I had taken a picture of two of my tests and set it as my desktop picture. I opened the laptop and Robert said congrats and Anna said, I knew it!! Then I got some hugs! It was so fun. I knew she was always going to know beforehand and I wasn't going to be able to surprise her, but I'm glad I found a way to tell them anyway. We have been through this last 5 months month together. They are trying as well so it was so nice to have someone else to turn to that could understand the heartache each month brings. They are so excited for us; it's so cute!

So now, we have my family, his family and then the rest of our wonderful friends. I especially can't wait to tell Ryan and Toni. I know we will get the biggest reaction from them! The plan is to wait until April 10th when we get everyone together for my birthday...we'll see if I can wait that long to tell R&T! I could have spilled the beans several times at Kylie's wedding. It was so hard not to just blurt it out. But it's very very early, so shut it!

So there's the good news! We're pregnant! I can't wait to tell the world...shout it from the rooftops!!!! Until then, there really are brighter days ahead.


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