Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Registry

We are all set with our registries at Babies'r'Us and Target! I have been looking forward to this part for a long time. We spent about 2 hours at BRU yesterday picking out the cutest stuff for our little baby! It was really hard though without knowing what we're having. I felt like if it wasn't pink, it was boy. Oh well, by Christmas, this baby will have all the gender specific things it could ask for. We still need to find "going home" outfits, but I figure we'll do that in late October.

So we started in the toy section and picked out a bunch of cute soft toys and books. I wanted to buy everything there and take it home now. Our house is going to go from no baby to all baby overnight very soon! We made our way to essential equipment and spent quite a lot of time there. We had fun pulling the strollers off the shelves to push them around, fold them up and figure out how they all work. I'm sure we looked pretty funny to passersby. We also looked at bouncers, saucers, swings, high's quite the list of items we will require. They didn't have batteries in most of their items which was frustrating since I wanted to see how everything moved and sounded. We actually didn't register for much in this section as we decided we needed to do some research online, but it was nice to play with everything and get some ideas. Next was newborn care...oh my! Bottles, nursing equipment, bath time stuff, monitors. Again, there is so much we need. We left with something like 125 items on our list...far short of the 250 items the lady recommended based on the number of people I had on my baby shower lists. I knew I had some work to do online once I got home!

Today we went to start our registry at Target. They don't have a very big baby section, so it didn't take near as long as BRU. There we registered for a lot of blankets and onesies and some things that BRU didn't have. I still had to add a bunch of stuff online since the store doesn't carry much. Hopefully people don't have a hard time finding things at the physical store if they choose to not ship. Sorry in advance if this happens to anyone.

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